About Us

At Olive Ridley Coffee, we are more than just a coffee brand; we are the embodiment of a dream that began on the sun-kissed shores of Cape Town and found its home in the vibrant heart of San Diego. Founded in 2023, our journey is one of passion, dedication, and an unyielding love for the coastal way of life.

Our name, "Olive Ridley," pays homage to the fascinating Olive Ridley sea turtles, whose remarkable journeys connect the coastlines of Cape Town to the golden sands of San Diego. Just as these sea turtles embark on epic adventures across the ocean, our coffee beans traverse the globe to bring you a taste of both worlds.

Our story is a fusion of cultures and flavors, each sip an invitation to explore the richness of our coastal heritage. With every cup, we offer you the essence of Cape Town's vibrant coffee culture combined with the laid-back charm of San Diego.

From the moment the coffee beans are handpicked to the perfectly balanced roast, our commitment to excellence and sustainability shines through. We roast with care, package with precision, and ensure that our coffee reflects the harmony of coastal living.

Olive Ridley Coffee is more than just a beverage; it's a symbol of our dedication to preserving the beauty of our coastlines. A percentage of our proceeds goes to supporting turtle conservation efforts, so when you savor our coffee, you also become a part of a larger mission to protect the oceans and the creatures that call them home.

As we serve you our Coastal Cup, we invite you to share in the flavors, values, and experiences that unite Cape Town and San Diego. Welcome to our world of coastal coffee, where every cup is a journey, a connection, and a celebration of the sea.

Join us in savoring the harmony of Cape to Coast, one cup at a time.